My first fashion collection in the making...

Today, I’d like to share some exciting news and progress about my first fashion collection. For those who don’t know, I am currently working on my first capsule collection inspired by vintage lines for a modern woman and dedicated to elegance and femininity.

In 2024, I visited multiple fabric stores in Paris to try and find beautiful fabrics for the collection I am working on. I had something specific in mind though and wanted to do it in a sustainable way and none of them quite matched my desires. In Lyon though, I had a meeting with a local dead stock atelier called Feat Coop and we worked together to find fabrics that would best suit my designs.

After MANY meetings with pattern makers online and in person, I found the perfect match with a pattern maker Frédéric and his assistant seamstress Hassina that have worked in the industry for years and have a small atelier in Paris. We had multiple meetings together to figure out how to best do the sewing and draping of my clothes for my fashion designs to bloom into reality. I also worked a lot on the technical side for the clothes to adjust perfectly to women’s bodies.

35mm film photo of Paris by Jamila Wilson

Two weeks ago, I ordered 3 meters of two of the fabrics which will be used in my fashion collection as well as a pair of shorts and trousers my pattern makers can use as a base.

Fashion sketch by Jamila Wilson. All rights reserved

My pattern makers received the two rolls of fabrics this week and I got a call yesterday from them to ask for some last details because they are going to start working on the collection from today onwards !!!

This is such exciting news because it really feels like my vision is starting to come into reality and I can’t wait to share the progress with you !

I’d like to also take the time to write about this:

If you’re thinking of starting or working on a project that is close to your heart, just go for it, even if many odds could stop you from doing it and you have a million doubts about it. If it is really and truly what you want then paths will unfold for you to take action towards it. Trust your gut feeling and your heart and follow your instinct, I promise it is worth it ! When one follows their dreams, they truly shine because they are doing what they’re meant for.

I hope you enjoyed hearing about the advancement of my collection and some of the steps towards its creation. If you have questions or would like to chat about it or about a project close to your heart, feel free to directly answer this mail or chat with me on Instagram @thewilsonsvintage.

All the best,

Jamila Xx